Rock and Wood: A Unique Interior Design by Jing-Li Liang

Creating a Harmonious Blend of Nature and Modern Design

When it comes to interior design, Jing-Li Liang's Rock and Wood project stands out with its innovative approach to incorporating natural elements into a modern space. Inspired by the raw concrete walls of the patio, Liang aimed to create a seamless integration between indoor and outdoor spaces while maintaining a unique and warm atmosphere.

In the Rock and Wood design, Liang skillfully combines various materials to achieve a harmonious and visually appealing aesthetic. The use of wood grain, black stone, gray paint, and sandstone-like textures throughout the space creates a cohesive and natural feel. By carefully selecting materials that imitate the raw concrete, Liang ensures that the patio's original element is preserved and echoed in different areas of the house.

One of the standout features of the design is the bold use of black and yellow stripes in the living room. This choice adds personality and warmth to the space, particularly on the TV wall. Behind the sofa, Liang incorporates a black melamine board with a stone texture, adding depth and visual interest to the room.

The construction process of the Rock and Wood design involved meticulous attention to detail. Wood angle timber was used as the support for the overall structure, with melamine boards attached and filled with silicone to create a smooth and seamless collage effect. Liang also collaborated closely with the construction team to ensure that the lines and colors of the boards flowed naturally throughout the space.

Throughout the project, Liang faced the challenge of selecting the right materials and achieving the desired color and texture effects. By carefully observing and testing each material, Liang was able to provide the owner with informed suggestions and create the perfect material combination for the space. Effective communication with the construction team also played a crucial role in bringing the design to life.

Rock and Wood is a townhouse that showcases Liang's ability to blend nature and modern design seamlessly. By incorporating warm yellow stripes and carefully selected materials, Liang adds warmth to the cold concrete elements, creating a personalized and inviting atmosphere. The use of black melamine boards with stone textures adds depth and visual interest to the space, while imitating clear water molds brings a sense of tranquility and natural beauty.

The Rock and Wood design by Jing-Li Liang has been recognized for its excellence and innovation. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2023. This prestigious award is given to designs that demonstrate practicality, innovation, and adherence to professional and industrial standards. The Rock and Wood design truly embodies these qualities, contributing to a better world through its thoughtful and unique approach to interior design.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Jing-Li Liang
Image Credits: Jing-Li Liang
Project Team Members: Designer:Jing-Li,Liang
Project Name: Rock and Wood
Project Client: Jing-Li Liang

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